Please know that how things work at Harmony Counseling is that clients schedule appointments themselves. Please click on the box that says BOOK NOW. Once you are redirected via the link, you will answer a few questions about yourself and then be directed to see our entire schedules in real-time. Please pick an appointment time that suits you best. Please know that the availability listed on our programs is what is available in real-time. Should you not see the appointment times/dates you need, you check the other therapist's availability by logging out and entering again under the different therapist's schedules.
Virtual Sessions may not be something you have considered before. However, think about it, no travel time to consider, no traffic, and no snow or rain storms to get through. Virtual sessions are flexible, convent, and straightforward to navigate once you have your first session! You can talk from your own home. Just find a private, quiet place you can feel is personal, and we will walk you through the process.